Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Giving Back

Empowered Girls is all about helping middle-school aged girls build their self-confidence and self-esteem. As someone who has battled self-esteem issues all her life, I come from the perspective that most women are like me and have struggled at least in parts of their lives with self-esteem issues. While that's likely true, there are many girls and women for whom self-esteem is not such a big issue. They may struggle from time to time or with certain areas of their lives, but for the mostpart, they are confident and feel good about themselves. There is an important issue that many girls face - regardless of whether or not they struggle with self-esteem. If they already know they are unique, talented and wonderful, they must figure out what to do with this power. How do I contribute my talents and strengths to the world? The answer is different for everyone, but it's an important conversation for mothers to have with their daughters starting in middle-school, especially for girls with low self-confidence. As parents, we need to help our daughters figure out how to use their talents and interests to give back. Either through charities, community organizations, or even just in the neighborhood, everyone should find some way to give back. It doesn't necessarily have to be helping those less fortunate, though that's always a worthy endeavor. It could be tutoring or teaching something you know to younger children, or organizing events that bring like-minded girls together. Whatever your daughters can do to give back will pay off with big rewards, including perhaps increased self-esteem!

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