Friday, April 17, 2009


I went to yoga this morning, to a new place in Wellesley called A Little Yoga. It was very hot and very good. The teacher spoke a lot about intuition and trusting your intuition. She said we are born with abundant intuition, but as we grow older, we doubt ourselves and stop trusting our intuition. She encouraged us to use our intuition throughout the class to do what was best for our bodies. This inspired me to write a blog about intuition. According to the Random House dictionary, intuition is "direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension." In essence, it is insight and gut feelings which we all possess. Some people consider themselves more intuitive than others, but like my yoga teacher said, we are all born with abundant intuition. Babies know instinctively, without reasoning, exactly what they need at every given moment. So, is everyone naturally intuitive, or are some people more intuitive than others? I believe all people have strong intuitive powers, but they become latent when they are not developed. Instead, we rely on old habitual thinking patterns - what we have been taught is acceptable, profitable, and useful - and shut off our intuitive thought. The more self-confidence and awareness we possess, the more likely we are to trust our intuitions, and thus feel intuitive. Try paying more attention to your intuition, and see how strongly and how often it pops up in your everyday life situations. You can even keep track in a journal and see how often your intuition is right. Do you listen to your intuition or do you choose rational thought and ignore your inner voice. If you find that your gut reaction is usually the right answer, even if you didn't follow it, you'll learn something about yourself and your intuitiveness simply by paying attention.

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