Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why is having high self-esteem so important?

Self-esteem has an effect on every aspect of a person's life. Having high self-esteem means knowing and liking yourself for your own unique and special qualities. It means not being too self-conscious about body image or appearance and accepting your own natural beauty. Sounds so easy, and yet it is a lifelong struggle for many girls and women. An interesting statistic from Dove researchers is that most girls who were asked what person had the most powerful influence on their self-esteem answered "their mother". It is not celebrities or models or sports figures - it is the adult female mentor closest to the girls (usually the mother) who has the most influence over their self-esteem. That's good news because it means that if we, as mothers and mentors, are willing to invest in our young girls, we CAN make a difference. Girls with high self-esteem are more likely to try new things and have confidence in their abilities. They are more likely to have good friendships and be respectful to their peers. They are less likely to succumb to peer pressure, and therefore less likely to engage in risky behavior, such as sex, drugs, and alcohol. The fact is that girls with high self-esteem grow up to be successful women - successful wives, mothers, friends, and professionals. So my message for today is to tell the young girls in your life that they are limitless. Remind them often that they are beautiful both inside and out, and that they have the power and the right to be happy and confident.

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