Monday, April 13, 2009

My First Blog

Welcome to my first empowerment blog! As many of you know, I am the founder of Snip-its Haircuts for Kids, and after 15 years building my company, I am now just starting to branch out in to new areas. My passion, both personally and professionally, is self-esteem for girls. Why is it that so many women are so insecure? It doesn't matter whether they are pretty or successful or funny or powerful on the outside, they all feel insecure and lack confidence on the inside. I think it starts much earlier than we might want to believe. Ask a group of three- or four-year-old girls how many of them can sing or dance, and probably 100% will get up and start singing and dancing. They are limitless. Now, ask the same questions to a group of seven- or eight-year-old girls, and maybe (if you're lucky) 10% or 20% will say yes - though even those girls will probably not actually get up and dance for you. By about fourth grade, girls' self-esteem starts to drop dramatically, and it continues to suffer through middleschool and highschool. I hear so many women tell me it takes until they are 40 years old to finally start to find peace with who they are, what they stand for, and what they look like. This business of empowerment is clearly a lifelong journey.

Through this blog, I hope to bring you my thoughts on building self-esteem in girls, as well as the stories of other girls who have beat the odds to grow into empowered women. I look forward to hearing your stories too. Write to me.

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